may, 2024

25may - 27All DayMagic Moments Family Camp


Event Details

Magic Moments Family Camp fully accommodates the medical needs of the children we serve in a fun camp setting while also providing an opportunity for their families to relax and spend time together in a stress-free environment. The camp is open to children ages 4 to 18 who have received a magic moment. Magic Moments Family Camp is offered to our families at no cost and we accommodate approximately 65 children and their families each year.

The campground facilities at Children’s Harbor fully accommodate the physical limitations of many illnesses, allowing children opportunities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. Children and families also participate in classic summer camp activities, such as arts-and-crafts, group games, talent show competitions, and themed dances.

Camp is no less fun or important for the parents who attend. For many, the most enjoyable aspect of camp is the opportunity to talk with other parents gaining insights, suggestions and simple, but rare empathy from those who are going through similar situations. Because critically-ill children often cannot be left alone without a trained caregiver, camp provides the only respite many parents have from their exhausting responsibilities. Here they have the simple luxury of a few hours to enjoy the company of other adults while their child is safe and happy.

Family Camp is held every Memorial Day Weekend. If you have questions about Family Camp, contact our office at 205.777.5734.

We are always looking for Family Camp volunteers! If you live or vacation in the Lake Martin area and would like to offer boat rides or just a helping hand please contact our office at 205-777-5700.

Magic Moments thanks Children’s Harbor for generously providing the facilities for our Family Camp.


may 25 (Saturday) - 27 (Monday)


Children's Harbor

434 Childrens Harbor Drive, Eclectic, AL 36024


Magic Moments